When you arrive in France, or if you choose to leave, it’s vital that you get your tax affairs in check as soon as possible. Unfamiliar tax laws and unpaid tax bills can lead to stress and even financial penalties.
Avoid all of these worries with Elitax. We offer a tax consultation on arrival in or departure from France that will ease your concerns. Getting into good financial habits will make life in a new country far more relaxing.
If you think you could benefit from a tax consultation with Elitax, get in touch today.
This service consists of a written consultation to determine each expatriate’s individual situation regarding tax residency and tax obligations in France and in the country of origin, or in France and in the country to which he/she is being transferred. Our team looks at each individual case and gives helpful, bespoke advice.
The expatriate fills in a questionnaire that allows us to assess both individual circumstances (marital status, dependants, personal assets, sources of income, etc.) and professional situation (split-salary, multiple contracts, etc.).
The consultation questionnaire is a 12-to-20-page document, depending on the complexity of the case. It’s useful for both employer and employee, and guarantees the process of moving country is made easier. It permits the employer to fulfil their information obligations towards expatriate employees and keeps the expatriate employee up to date with current and future tax responsibilities.
During the tax consultation on arrival in or departure from France, we will advise on the individual’s income tax liabilities. Using a number of calculations, we can determine an expatriate’s tax liabilities in respect of both France and the country that the expatriate is leaving or moving to.
1. Foreign Tax Calculation
We can determine the amount of tax the individual will need to pay in any country. Using the tax law of this country, we identify potential tax benefits such as deductions, allowances and tax credits.
2. Country of Origin Hypothetical Income Tax (Hypo Tax)
We calculate, for comparison purposes, the income tax the individual would have paid if they had stayed in the country of origin.
3. Tax and Social Security Differential Calculation
This consists of calculations of:
- The actual social security contributions in the host country and the hypothetical social security contributions in the country of origin.
- The tax amount due in the host country (considering all tax-free benefits, deductions, allowances and tax credits for which the expatriate may be eligible).
- The difference between two amounts: the actual social security contributions, plus income tax amount in the host country, and the hypothetical social security contributions, plus income tax amount of the country of origin.
In the case of the final point, the difference between these two calculations is the amount the employer will need to compensate. As a taxable income, your employee will be liable for social security contributions and income tax calculated on this amount. This “tax on tax” calculation gives the final gross amount you have to pay to the expatriate to completely compensate for the tax difference.
In providing tax estimates, Elitax makes every effort to work with the latest information available. However, Elitax will not be responsible for any modifications arising from late changes to tax rules.