Do You Live Outside of France, but Own Real Estate Assets in the Country?
Then you’ll need to file a real estate wealth tax return!
France’s tax laws work based on your current real estate wealth, as well as income. Even if you are not personally in the country, your assets are still taxable if they add up to over a certain amount.
This means that if you have a house, apartment, land, or other real estate assets in France – even if they are being rented out – then you still need to file a wealth tax return.
At Elitax, our accountants specialise in this type of tax and can help you submit a tax return that accurately reflects your real estate wealth, ensuring you only pay the correct amount and saving you from any potential legal penalties.
Our Easy-To-Follow, Five-Step Tax Return Process
We use a simple five-step process to make our real estate wealth tax return service as easy as possible, no matter how complicated your situation may be. Here is a quick rundown:
→ Step One: Tell us about your needs and the amount of time required to fill out your tax return
→ Step Two: We’ll send you a questionnaire about your assets and income
→ Step Three: You fill in the questionnaire and send it back to us
→ Step Four: We’ll fill out your tax return and send it to you for review
→ Step Five: After approval, our team of accountants will file your tax returns with French authorities. You can then sit back knowing that it is complete!
Our Tax Return Guarantee
All our real estate wealth tax returns come with a guarantee when we’re finished with them. Please be aware that we can’t offer the guarantee to real estate wealth tax returns that have been adjusted after we have finished filling them out, or for tax returns where incorrect information has been supplied to us.
This guarantee gives you peace of mind that your return is in order, and that you won’t have to worry about any potential legal penalties from the tax office.
What Do I Need to Know About French Wealth Tax Returns?
If you’re a tax non-resident of France, regardless of nationality, you are subject to wealth tax if the value of their worldwide real estate assets is over €1,300,000. You will need to file an annual real estate wealth tax return with the French tax administration.
The good news is that we can help you with this process, ensuring it’s as easy and stress-free as possible for you. We have years of experience in helping non-residents file real estate wealth tax returns, and our team of experts will make sure everything is done correctly.
Which Real Estate Wealth Tax Category Am I In?
There are currently three categories of real estate wealth tax:
Category 1 – You earn no income in France but the value of your tangible real estate assets in France exceeds €1,300,000:
You need only to file a French real estate wealth tax return.
Category 2 – You earn income in France and the value of your tangible real estate assets in France exceeds €1,300,000 but is less than €2,570,000:
You need to file an integrated income and real estate wealth tax return.
Category 3 – You earn income in France and the value of your tangible real estate assets in France exceeds €2,570,000:
You need to file two returns (an income tax return and a separate real estate wealth tax return).
The Importance of Filing Your Wealth Tax Return Properly
It’s important to file your wealth tax return properly, as incorrect information can lead to penalties from the French tax administration. At Elitax, our accountants have years of experience in filing real estate wealth tax returns and know exactly what needs to be included on your return in order for it to be accepted by the authorities.
If you’re not sure whether you need to file a wealth tax return, or you’re not sure which category you fall into, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’ll be happy to help you figure out what needs to be done in order to stay compliant with French tax law.
Get in touch with our advisors for a free 30-minute consultation on +33 (0)1 43 71 10 05